Improved JASON Tables

Completely reworked NMR processing engine (under the bonnet) that will allows us to move to 3D and higher nD NMR later
New NMR processing capabilities:
NMR referencing function which can search a peak in the region and set it position to the specified value
Improved DOSY processing and recognition of the DOSY data
Much faster 2D autophasing in some cases
Users can define baseline points for the baseline correction
Drift correction
Improvements for J-spectroscopy recognition
Improved JASON tables:
Font settings for individual cells
Excel-style equations in the custom table columns
Apply filters on the table contents
Text alignments control
Better export to MS Excel, Libre/Open Calc, Google Sheets
Many improvements for automatic assignment:
Take into account molecular symmetry
Ability to assign a multiplet to multiple sites
Take into account multiplet classification
An option to clear the assignments
Automatically apply multiplet analysis if no multiplets in spectrum
Don’t assign improper atoms in manual assignment
Take into account number of H during assign 1H spectra
NMR spectrum simulation engine can simulate even bigger spin systems
Improved annotations: users can add them to desired positions
More manual zoom and contour level controls for NMR spectra
Improved Plugin Manager and the process of updating plugins
Customizable axis labels for NMR Plots
“Square” cursor can be used to start COSY-like assignment from the diagonal peaks. configurable cursor information for 2D spectra

Multiplet label are colour-coded according to classification
Improved control of the pseudo-2D NMR visualisation via new “Stack” panel
Improved import of major NMR data formats
Improvements for the canvas items: more reliable rotation, reposition rotation handler.
Ability to run a single instances of JASON using command line
Improved offline license activation
Notifications about updated JASON versions
Improved MAGRES file filter: can work with QuantumEspresso-generated files, better import of the crystal structures, transfer assignment information

Various GUI improvements: redesigned panels, more and better tooltips
Performance tuning and numerous bug fixes