Latest Version of JASON (2.1) is out!

SMILEQ: JASON’s qNMR tool is released

Easy to navigate between your data sets.

Functionality at your fingertips, no need to search through multiple layers of nested menus.

NMR analysis at a button click

Consistent reporting

Simplified user experience

One of the distinguishing features of JASON is the data canvas. As data files are opened, they are displayed on the canvas, which can be extended both horizontally and vertically to accommodate as much data as the computer’s working memory can deal with. Navigating the canvas is done using the mouse to scroll and zoom or by specific data objects using the object browser. Related data sets and objects can be linked together with a shared cursor for spectral analysis.     

Create reports

In addition to displaying spectra and molecular structures on the canvas.

It is also possible to create a variety of tables within JASON:

  • Parameter tables

  • Peak list

  • Multiplet tables

In addition, images can be imported, and free text objects can be added to the canvas providing the ability to configure, save and print reports.

Reports Image

State-of-the-art peak picking

Any NMR processing software worth its salt should include robust peak picking functionality. JASON is no exception and combines peak picking with spectral deconvolution providing the facility to break down a spectrum into a list of peak parameters at a button push.


Optimised workflows multiplet analysis

JASON can group peaks together into multiplets and perform first order multiplet analysis to maximize the structural information that can be obtained from a 1H spectrum. This can be carried out automatically across the entire spectrum or manually on specific spectral regions. Multiplets can be reported as a table within JASON or in journal format.

Draw, modify molecules

Molecular structures can be imported into JASON as .mol or .sdf files. They can also be drawn from scratch with the easy to use and intuitive molecular drawing facility. The structures can be linked to spectral data sets to assist in structural analysis and assignment.

Predict NMR

JASON contains a hybrid prediction method, an increment based and a HOSE code approach.

When there’s a good representation of the molecule in the database the predictions will be performed with the latter.

Our aim is to help all scientists to simplify the processing, analysis and reporting of NMR data

“The user interface is very easy to navigate through. Personally, I am very happy about how few icons there are. Many NMR processing platforms have so many it can get very confusing as to which button you need. This probably has the same number as an IR program we use – so minimal cognitive effort required (great for using this for teaching). 

Senior Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry
Department of Natural Sciences. School of Science and the Environment (Chemistry)
Manchester Metropolitan University