DOSY Transform – Easy and intuitive

Process your DOSY data easily

Create multiplet reports quickly and in the format you need

New NMR processing capabilities

  • Improved automatic processing of PureShift and SAPPHIRE experiments

  • Backward linear Interpolation for the data acquired by cryogenic probe

  • Better parameter handling for sine apodisation

  • Improved 1D inverse FT

  • A processing function to remove group delay points

  • Spectrum width scaling (e.g. as needed for solid-state CRAMPS experiments)

  • Improvements in backward linear prediction in basic mode

  • A processing function to calculate sum of rows from pseudo-2D/2D data

  • DOSY processing: 

  • MAGRES (plugin): can generate synthetic 2D spectra

  • Improved JCAMP-DX import/export

  • Watermarks on NMR spectra

  • Open multiple files from a directory by drag&drop of the directory

  • Improvements for annotation selection and handling

  • A setting for the spectrum line width for printing

  • Opening processed Delta JDF files shows the applied processing

  • A processing function to calculate sum of rows from pseudo-2D/2D data

  • “Locked” mode for NMR spectra. Clean-up of the NMR context toolbar

  • “Square” cursors for homonuclear 2D in the “Lock” mode to help see COSY-like correlations

  • Improved customization for all tables. Custom columns and data could be added to tables

  • Automatically fit spectra when dragged to a new page on the canvas

  • Performance tuning and numerous bug fixes

  • Various GUI improvements

User-customizable multiplet reports.

  • New journal formats added to the default list

Improved customization (e.g. user-defined fonts, alternating colors) and tools (e.g. saving user configurations) for tables

Better support for Delta 6.0 2D experiments (with match2d.list processing)

Multiple improvements for macOS

We also performance-tuned our software and fixed a few bugs.